First of all visit our
section and check out if the translation you want to made is
already available for download. Even if somebody else has
already done it -
write to
us, probably we have another
program you would be able to translate and get the license for
the program you chose.
in the DataFreeways directory find the file
English.lng. Make a copy and rename it (assuming you speak Spanish) to
The file consists of text rows divided by the
"=" sign. Right side of the row is the text the
program uses in the dialogs, menus etc. Leave the left side
You will probably see 3 main types of messages
1 Simple. MainForm.Closeall1.Hint=Close all files
Just translate "Close all files" message.
2 With a hotkey.
MainForm.Savetoserver1.Caption=Save to ser&ver as...
The ampersand sign (&) means that the menu with
the text above will have a hotkey v assigned to it. All
submenus in the same menu item must have hotkeys assigned to the
different keys. If you experience problem with it just skip it
and translate the text.
3 With a variable and other special symbols.
msgFileChanged=File %s has been changed by another application.~~Do you want to reload it ?
Do not change the structure of the phrase, if your language
doesn't require it. In the context above %s means
the file name and ~~ stands for the line break.
Switch to the language file you just created (Main
Menu->View->Languages) and check out how it works.
Send us the file