PHP Editor by EngInSite - download Editor (IDE) for PHP4 and PHP5 herePHP
Editor by EngInSite - create, edit, debug, and run PHP 4 and PHP 5
scripts with this powerful Editor.
EngInSite PHP Editor allows you to create, edit, run, and debug PHP 4 and PHP 5 scripts from an integrated development
environment (IDE).
It will change your life, turning your PHP coding into pure pleasure! (OK, that was a poetic exaggeration, but even in more mundane terms: your productivity
with EngInSite PHP Editor will double -- guaranteed.)

Lots of our customers ask us to compare our Editor
with Zend product. We prefer DevX reviewer Laurence
Moroney do it for us. Read his reviews of
EngInSite PHP
Editor and
Zend Studio.
- News: Buying EngInSite PHP Editor you are receiving 2 great products for
great price: EngInSite MySQL Client is now included into the Editor (you
must download it as an additional package)